Intro - a mix of wildlife pictures, from lion and elephant to the shy genet

Lions - regal males, sleek lionesses, juveniles and playful cubs

Baby Lions - cute, cuddly and innocent

Elephants - Big bull elephants, matriarchs, youngsters and herds

Leopards - secretive, solitary, the ultimate cat

Cheetahs - the fastest land mammal on earth

Giraffes - statuesque icons of Africa

Zebras - black and white but also in color

Buffalos - big, surly and dangerous

Rhinos - being poached to extinction for their horns

Hippos - this big amphibian, on land and water

Antelope - imapal, kudu, waterbuck and more

Baby Animals - cute, mischievous, and very vulnerable

Monkeys - vervet monkeys, small and agile

Baboons - clever, resourceful, and amusing to watch

Crocodiles - stranger than fiction?

Wild Dogs - efficient hunters, but under severe threat

Spotted Hyenas - more than a skulking scavenger

Baboons - clever, resourceful, and amusing to watch

Crocodiles - stranger than fiction?

Wild Dogs - efficient hunters, but under severe threat