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Garden Pictures from South Africa

This gallery gives me a chance to display images taken in the gardens around my home. In 2011 I moved from a city apartment to a cottage on a friend's smallholding in the countryside of KwaZulu-Natal.

My drab brick and concrete surroundings have been replaced by informal indigenous gardens, leafy trees, and grassy fields. This provides wonderful opportunities to wander around with a camera, photographing the colorful garden birds, flowers, shrubs, and insects.

Citrus swallowtail butterfly
Citrus Swallowtail Butterfly

Click on any picture to enlarge

Malachite sunbird in breeding plumage Malachite sunbird in breeding plumage
Strelitzia flower Strelitzia flower
Plum blossom in spring White plum blossom in Spring
Double-collared sunbird
Double-collared sunbird
Yellow-fronted canary
Yellow-fronted canary
malachite sunbird in eclipse plumage
Malachite sunbird
Amethyst sunbird
Amethyst sunbird
wildlife reference photos
Citrus Swallowtail butterfly
Citrus Swallowtail butterfly
Passion fruit flower
Passionfruit flower
Flowers get dreamy look through Diana lens
Flowers through Diana lens
Peach blossoms
Pink peach blossoms
Strelitzia flower, backlit Strelitzia flower, backlit
blue-banded swallowtail butterfly Bluebanded Swallowtail butterfly
Yellow rose Yellow rose

A Privilege
I'm very much a part-time wildlife photographer who is lucky enough to visit the bush two or three times a year. The rest of the time I'm at home, so the opportunity to take nature pictures in beautiful surroundings is indeed a privilege.

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Contact Details: Scotch Macaskill, Dirt Road Traders, Currys Post Road, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)82 578 2329. Privacy: Your privacy is guaranteed. See our Privacy Policy for more. This site accepts advertising and other forms of compensation - see Disclosure and Advertising for details. Site updated: 2022. Copyright © 2002 - 2022 Scotch Macaskill